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发布时间:22023-04-27 14:46:45


腾讯动漫(下称“本网站”)作为中立的平台服务者,一直致力于为广大的第三方建立一个公平、公开、公正的动漫平台。本网站 一贯高度重视知识产权的保护,并一贯遵守中华人民共和国各项知识产权法律、法规及其他的具有法律约束力的规范性文件。本网站认为著作权人的著作权应当得到尊重和法律应有的保护,坚决反对任何违反中华人民共和国有关著作权的法律法规的行为。


1. 流程

1.1 通知腾讯









I. 权利人拥有权利的权属证明材料:包括但不限于相关有权机构颁发的版权证书、商标权证书、专利权证书、作品首次公开发表或发行日期证明材料、创作手稿、经权威机构签发的作品创作时间戳、作品备案证书等能证明权利人拥有相关权利的有效权属证明;

II. 被投诉方提供的服务构成侵权的证明:包括但不限于被投诉方提供的服务构成对权利人的版权、商标权或专利权等侵权的有效证明材料等。





1.2 腾讯反馈





2. 注意事项



I. 将前述全部的纸质版本材料扫描后通过电子邮件发送至腾讯指定电子邮箱:



附录: 腾讯动漫侵权投诉通知书模板


Tencent Cartoon Platform Complaint Guidelines

The Tencent Cartoon Platform is a distribution platform for the cartoon provided and uploaded by the third party. Tencent is dedicated to establishing a neutral, fair, open and just platform.

The following guidelines are meant to establish market order and protect the rights of intellectual property owners according to relevant PRC laws and regulations. If you find there is any Cartoon which you possess the copyright of provided and uploaded by any third party on the Tencent Cartoon Platform but not authorized by you, please contact us.


1.1 Notice to Tencent

If a rights holder (the “Complainant”) believes the Cartoon provided and uploaded by a third party on the Tencent Cartoon Platform infringes his or her lawful rights and wishes to notify Tencent, the Complainant should submit to Tencent in writing the completed notice in the form in Appendix A with at least the following information (the “Notice”), further details of which can be found in Appendix A::

(1) Complainant Information

The Complainant’s name, contact information, and if applicable, address, title, and other materials verifying the identity of the Complainant.

(2) Complainant Request

The name and network address (e.g., URL) of the service containing suspected infringing material.

(3) Preliminary Evidence Demonstrating InfringementI. Proof of Complainant’s Ownership of Intellectual Property:

Including but not limited to, copyright, trademark and/or patent certificates, materials establishing an initial publication date, manuscripts, file time stamps, and other evidence of the Complainant’s ownership of the relevant intellectual property rights.

II. Evidence of Third Party Infringement of Complainant’s Rights:

Including but not limited to, materials showing that the third party service has infringed a copyright, trademark and/or patent right of the Complainant (e.g., screenshots, source code comparisons).

(4) Complainant’s Representation and Warranty

The Complainant must include the following representation and warranty in any Notice to Tencent pursuant to this guideline:"All information and materials provided in this Notice by the Complainant are true, valid and lawful. Complainant shall indemnify and hold harmless Tencent for all losses incurred by Tencent arising out of or as a result of the removal or disconnection of the suspected infringing service specified in this Notice, including but not limited to any loss from compensation by Tencent to the third party and/or to end users and damage to the reputation and goodwill of Tencent."

1.2 Feedback from Tencent

As a neutral platform service provider, Tencent will, after receiving from a Complainant a Notice prepared in accordance with this guideline, notify the third party suspected of infringement, and:

(1) If the third party acknowledges the infringement

Tencent will remove the suspected infringing material in accordance with PRC laws and regulations.

(2) If the third party disputes the infringement claim

Tencent will notify the Complainant of such objection. Tencent suggests that, if the Complainant still disagrees with the third party, the Complainant should initiate an administrative complaint or lawsuit to resolve the dispute directly with the third party.

If the Complainant has additional evidence that can refute the third party’s objection, the Complainant may also provide such evidence to Tencent.


(1) The Complainant in this guideline refers to the original owner of the copyright, trademark and/or patent rights, or an agent duly authorized by said original owner.

(2) To ensure the authenticity of a complaint, original evidentiary materials (including the relevant certificates, etc.) should be provided to the extent possible. If any original document cannot be provided, a duplicate copy signed by the Complainant may be provided.

Any foreign (i.e. non-Chinese) materials should be notarized and transmitted according to the applicable laws and regulations and the corresponding notarization and transmission materials should be provided.The Notice, including all supporting materials, should be send to Tencent company by below way:send all the scanned materials above mentioned to:

(3) "Notice" as used in this guideline refers to the written notice of complaint in the form in Appendix A, together with all supporting materials submitted in accordance with this guideline, including Complainant information and evidence of ownership and infringement.

(4) If the Complainant has already initiated an administrative complaint or lawsuit at the time of the Notice, please submit, together with the Notice, the complaint and the evidentiary materials submitted to the relevant government body or court, to aid the determination of the Complainant’s complaint.

Appendix A: Tencent Cartoon Platform Complaint Notice Template

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